A Festive Message from the MD...
Merry Christmas, from all the team at Browns!
As we approach the festive season, I wanted to take a brief moment to check in, give some thanks, and reflect on an amazing year at Browns Distribution.
It's been a year of many 'firsts' for the Browns team. Reflecting on the first year in our brand new home, Distribution House, allows me to feel truly grateful for everything 2023 has given our team.
In recent months we’ve excitedly welcomed new faces to our senior leadership team in Darren, Luke and Kerry, and made huge investments into our marketing, processes and fleet.
We’ve developed a new website, designed a new livery, introduced new vehicles to our fleet, and been recognised among the very best of our industry at the Motor Transport awards.
But 2023, a year of triumphs, has not been without its challenges. So I’d like to say a huge thank you to our team for how we have overcome these challenges, and often, reversed negatives into positives. I’d also like to pay thanks to our many industry friends, the community we work in, and our loyal customers, for being a part of this journey.
We have no plans to slow down our momentum into the new year, and I’m excited to be able to share details on more additions to our board and leadership team in the coming weeks, and finally reveal that we're well into our journey to BRCGS accreditation, the next level in quality assurance and efficiency for our warehousing operations. More on this later!
For now, all that’s left to do is wish you and your loved ones a joyous festive period, and a New Year that brings good health and prosperity.
Warmest Regards,
David Brown Jnr
Managing Director